All instructions HTML are delemited with tags (lower sign < and higher sign > ).
An HTML document is composed of three parts:
1 - Document version : a line containing HTML version information
2 - Document head : a declarative header section (delimited by the <head></head> element)
3 - Document body : a body, which contains the document's actual content. The body may be implemented by the <body></body> element
Example, your first html document
<title>My first HTML document</title>
1- Document version
The HTML 4.01 Strict DTD includes all elements and attributes that have not been deprecated or do not appear in frameset documents. For documents that use this DTD, use this document type declaration:
The HTML 4.01 Transitional DTD includes everything in the strict DTD plus deprecated elements and attributes (most of which concern visual presentation). For documents that use this DTD, use this document type declaration:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
The HTML 4.01 Frameset DTD includes everything in the transitional DTD plus frames as well. For documents that use this DTD, use this document type declaration:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"
2 - Document HEAD
The HEAD element contains information about the current document, such as its title, keywords that may be useful to search engines, and other data that is not considered document content. User agents do not generally render elements that appear in the HEAD as content. They may, however, make information in the HEAD available to users through other mechanisms
HEAD element may contain the following tags : SCRIPT, STYLE , META ,LINK, OBJECT
2-1 : TITLE
Authors should use the TITLE element to identify the contents of a document. Since users often consult documents out of context, authors should provide context-rich titles.
<TITLE>The title of my document</TITLE>
2-2 : META Tags
The META element can be used to identify properties of a document (e.g., author, expiration date, a list of key words, etc.) and assign values to those properties. This specification does not define a normative set of properties.
Each META element specifies a property/value pair. The name attribute identifies the property and the content attribute specifies the property's value.
2-2-1 : Author
In this example, the author's name is declared
<META name="Author" content="your name">
2-2-2 : HTTP headers
The http-equiv attribute can be used in place of the name attribute and has a special significance when documents are retrieved via the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
2-2-2-1 : Expires
Example below can be used by caches to determine when to fetch a fresh copy of the associated document
<META http-equiv="Expires" content="Tue, 20 Aug 2005 14:25:27 GMT">
2-2-2-1 : keywords
keywords that a search engine may use to improve the quality of search results.
<META name="keywords" lang="en-us" content="hotel,holiday,reservation">
2-2-2-2 : Copyright
<META name="copyright" content="© 2005 your company.">
2-2-2-3 : Description
<META name="description" content="short description of your web site.">
2-2-2-4 : Publisher
Specify the editor
<META name="publisher" content="your name">
2-2-2-5 : Reply-to
Can be used to indicate your email adress
<META name="reply-to" content="">
2-2-2-6 : Robots
Allows you to specify directories to be referred or exclude for the robots search engines.
Example 1 : Actual Page and it's links can be indexed by robots.
<META name="robots" content="index, follow">
Example 2 : Actual Page can be indexed by robots but not it's links.
<META name="robots" content="index,nofollow">
Example 3 : Actual Page and it's links must not be indexed by robots
<META name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
2-2-2-7 : Revisit-after
Tell to robots the intervall (in days) that they should visit you page
<META name="revisit-after" content="3 day">
2-2-2-8 : Generator
Describe which sofware has been used to create the html document
<meta name="generator" content="name of the software">
2-3 : Style
This attribute specifies style information for the current element.
Internal Style Example :
<STYLE type="text/css">
BODY { background: #FFFFFF; color: #000000}
A:link { color: red }
A:visited { color: blue }
External Style Example : From a given file
<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="file.css">
2-4 : SCRIPT
Scripts offer authors a means to extend HTML documents in highly active and interactive ways. For example:
Scripts may be evaluated as a document loads to modify the contents of the document dynamically.
Scripts may accompany a form to process input as it is entered. Designers may dynamically fill out parts of a form based on the values of other fields. They may also ensure that input data conforms to predetermined ranges of values, that fields are mutually consistent, etc.
Scripts may be triggered by events that affect the document, such as loading, unloading, element focus, mouse movement, etc.
Scripts may be linked to form controls (e.g., buttons) to produce graphical user interface elements.
There are two types of scripts authors may attach to an HTML document:
Those that are executed one time when the document is loaded by the user agent. Scripts that appear within a SCRIPT element are executed when the document is loaded. For user agents that cannot or will not handle scripts, authors may include alternate content via the NOSCRIPT element.
Those that are executed every time a specific event occurs. These scripts may be assigned to a number of elements via the intrinsic event attributes.
Example : including external javaScript in your document
<script language="JavaScript">
Type here your script program
3 - The document body
The body of a document contains the document's content. The content may be presented by a user agent in a variety of ways.
See the next chapter.
For complete reference see html reference at W3C
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