<body> document body
Describe the body of the document. It appear after the head section.
-) background
Deprecated. The value of this attribute is a URI that designates an image resource. The image generally tiles the background (for visual browsers).
-) text
Deprecated. This attribute sets the foreground color for text (for visual browsers).
-) link
Deprecated. This attribute sets the color of text marking unvisited hypertext links (for visual browsers).
-) vlink
Deprecated. This attribute sets the color of text marking visited hypertext links (for visual browsers).
-) alink
Deprecated. This attribute sets the color of text marking hypertext links when selected by the user (for visual browsers).
<BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="red" alink="yellow" vlink="green">
... document body...
For complete reference see html reference at W3C
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