<li> : list item
this tag is used in conjunction with <ul> to make ordered and unordered lists
-) type
Deprecated. This attribute sets the style of a list item. Currently available values are intended for visual user agents.
-) start
Deprecated. For OL only. This attribute specifies the starting number of the first item in an ordered list. The default starting number is "1". Note that while the value of this attribute is an integer, the corresponding label may be non-numeric. Thus, when the list item style is uppercase latin letters (A, B, C, ...), start=3 means "C". When the style is lowercase roman numerals, start=3 means "iii", etc.
-) value
Deprecated. For LI only. This attribute sets the number of the current list item. Note that while the value of this attribute is an integer, the corresponding label may be non-numeric (see the start attribute).
-) compact
Deprecated. When set, this boolean attribute gives a hint to visual user agents to render the list in a more compact way. The interpretation of this attribute depends on the user agent.
Attributes defined elsewhere
-) id, class (document-wide identifiers)
-) lang (language information), dir (text direction)
-) title (element title)
-) style (inline style information)
-) onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup (intrinsic events)
<LI> item 1
<LI type=square> item 2
<LI type=circle> item 3
For complete reference see html reference at W3C
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