<param> : named property value
PARAM elements specify a set of values that may be required by an object at run-time. Any number of PARAM elements may appear in the content of an OBJECT or APPLET element, in any order, but must be placed at the start of the content of the enclosing OBJECT or APPLET element.
-) name
This attribute defines the name of a run-time parameter, assumed to be known by the inserted object. Whether the property name is case-sensitive depends on the specific object implementation.
-) value
This attribute specifies the value of a run-time parameter specified by name. Property values have no meaning to HTML; their meaning is determined by the object in question.
-) valuetype = data|ref|object
This attribute specifies the type of the value attribute. Possible values:
data: This is default value for the attribute. It means that the value specified by value will be evaluated and passed to the object's implementation as a string.
ref: The value specified by value is a URI that designates a resource where run-time values are stored. This allows support tools to identify URIs given as parameters. The URI must be passed to the object as is, i.e., unresolved.
object: The value specified by value is an identifier that refers to an OBJECT declaration in the same document. The identifier must be the value of the id attribute set for the declared OBJECT element.
-) type = content-type
This attribute specifies the content type of the resource designated by the value attribute only in the case where valuetype is set to "ref". This attribute thus specifies for the user agent, the type of values that will be found at the URI designated by value.
For complete reference see html reference at W3C
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